Muscular Strength and Endurance
Muscular Strength
Muscular strength is the capacity of your body’s muscles to generate extreme amounts of force in a short period of time by utilising anaerobic energy. Anaerobic energy provides short-term bursts of energy and does not require oxygen. Instead, anaerobic energy comes from the burning of carbohydrates and can be sustained for a few minutes, after which a short rest time is needed to replenish the system. Anaerobic energy is used for everything from weightlifting and sprinting to the low-impact sports of tennis and golf. Anaerobic energy is also used in aerobic-centred workouts when additional spurts of energy are needed.
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Enhanced muscular strength often increases muscle and connective tissue size and density by enlarging cells or building muscles. Apart from their aesthetic value, larger muscles and connective tissue are less susceptible to injury and aid in long-term weight control. Because muscle tissue burns more calories than fat, even while resting, someone with more muscle will use their stored fat energy on a daily basis.
Tips for Building Muscular Strength
Focus on your exercises. Concentrate on activities that work specific muscle groups and use a program that splits the routine into specific muscle groups each day rather than a full-body workout. Lift weights slowly and focus on using the best technique rather than the most weight. Your workout needs to be efficient first.
Control lactic acid, Anaerobic activity produces lactic acid buildup in muscle, which can lead to muscle soreness and cramping. Doing some light cardio workouts and stretching before and after workouts can help reduce the lactic acid.
Gradual progression is important. It is more important to get the proper technique first than to look to maximise the weight you can lift. The progression of the stress placed on a muscle is important for continued gains in muscle strength. Averaging 3 sets of 6–8 repetitions is an excellent way to gain muscle strength; just be sure to increase your weight when you can perform more than 8 repetitions easily.
Warm-up. A warm-up set or light cardio activity can help prepare the body and mind for a more intense workout without injury.
Rest. With more intense workouts and more damage to the muscles as a result, one or two days of recovery time are necessary. Allowing the muscle to fully recover will also help prevent overtraining injuries.
Muscular Strength
Uses muscles
It makes me stronger.
Faster Tempo
Low number of reps (4–8)
Uses most or all of my strength.
Difficult weight/resistance
70-85% 1 rep max
Muscular Endurance
• Uses muscles
• Makes me stronger
• Slower Tempo
High number of reps (8–15)
It uses some of my strength.
Easier weight/resistance
50–70%, 1 rep max
D) Muscular Endurance
Muscular endurance is the ability of muscles to work hard for long periods of time. A fit person can repeat movements for a long period of time without undue fatigue.
Abdominal muscular strength and endurance can be measured by the performance of sit-ups for a one-minute period of time.
Push-ups, pull-ups, or even dips are also used to evaluate shoulder muscular strength and endurance.